A Breath of Fresh Air
An Affirming Church, Grounded in Tradition and Open to the World
When you walk in our door, who will you find? You will meet people who yearn for a community where they are affirmed, included, and valued as beloved children of God.
If you have been wounded and excluded because of your race, gender, or the people you love; if you have been discouraged from questioning belief or dogma; if struggling with grief or hurt has left you doubting God’s love for you; —you belong-just as you are. We are eager to know you and receive the gifts and wisdom you have to share with us.
If you yearn for peace and justice and wish to act from love instead of from anger, we are eager to include you in our work as we anticipate God’s reign of justice and love.
If you feel drawn to a deep inner journey and wish to explore contemplative spiritual practices such as meditation, Centering Prayer, yoga, or lectio divina, we invite you to join us as we explore these practices which are the foundation for our work in the world.