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Get to Know Us

Covenant Presbyterian Church Lubbock

Join us on our journey of faith.


We seek to love and include everyone. So what can you expect? A big welcome! And an atmosphere that is informal and friendly.


When you arrive there will be an usher at the door handing out bulletins. They are there to welcome you and help you find a seat. They are also there if you have questions, need assistance or want to speak to someone more in depth.​

You are invited to sign the Ritual of Friendship form as it is passed down the pews during the announcements. If you would like to receive our email newsletter, you can indicate that on the form.


If we notice you are new we might come over and say hello. Please feel no pressure; we are just friendly folks. 


All are welcome to our coffee hour  at 10:00 a.m. where you will find good people, good coffee, and good treats. Please join us.


When You Arrive

What time
do I arrive?

Join us for coffee at 10:00 and worship at 11:00.

Are you accessible?

Our entire campus is handicapped accessible, includ-  ing north and east parking lots.  If you need assistance, let us know.

Brett Schoonover and Connor.JPG
  • What is your worship style?
    Our traditional worship includes Scripture reading from the Old and New Testaments, including the Psalms. We have prayers of confession, intercession, thanksgiving, and encouraging sermons. You will enjoy our weekly children's sermons.
  • What kind of music do you use?
    Our hymnal includes a wide range of music, from old favorites to current hymns, including hymns from around the world. Our choir and soloists perform special anthems or songs each Sunday. You may find us clapping along to the more lively music!
  • How often do you celebrate communion?
    We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or communion) at least once a month and additionally on important feast days, such as Easter, Christmas, or All Saints.
  • May a visitor take communion?
    Anyone who trusts in Jesus is welcome at the Lord's table.
  • Are small children welcome in worship? Is childcare available?
    We encourage children to remain with their parents during worship. Our dedicated nursery staff have yearly background checks and provide loving care for infants and children under five. Children may pick up a worship bag with supplies to occupy them during worship.
  • How do I join the church?
    You may join the church through Baptism, reaffirmation of faith, or a letter of transfer. All participants are included in our community.
  • What should I do if I have more questions?
    Just ask any of us!

Frequently Asked Questions

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